Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Southern Retro

Back in May, Mat Keller asked if I would sit for his project SouthernRetro, a photographic project ‘about individuals for whom reviving the past is part of their daily lives’.  I was quite honoured and of course said yes, but didn’t do anything for a few months as I didn’t have anywhere suitably ‘vintage’ to have the photoshoot.

Fast forward to me moving into my new house (with my lovely '50s kitchenette) and I was ready for my close-up, as they say.  So here are the photos.  Be sure to have a look on Mat's website to peruse lots of marvellous portraits and familiar faces (a fair few of whom I've interviewed!)


  1. Looking lovely, especially that last one :)

    1. Thank you Jennie. I like them but I don't think they look like me! I'm really looking forward to you coming down in January - I'll try and find out stuff that's happening.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Danielle,

      I don't have a personal account on Twitter, but I write the one for The Vintage News (@TheVintageNews) - which is mostly the sort of thing I'd post if I had an account of my own!

  3. Great! I love your blog, just tweeted you @thevintagenews x
