Thursday, 22 August 2013

My first outfit post!

Inspired by Jeni Yesterday, I've finally decided to do an outfit post!  I actually took these photos (or more correctly, Hayley took them) in May when we went for a little jaunt around the seafront, but I hadn't got round to doing anything with them.  So here is my first outfit post, I will try to do more - or maybe even just remember to take pictures of what I wear when I'm filming!
Outfit details below all the pictures 
It was very windy so I am actually just making sure my hat
doesn't go for an unexpected swim in the channel
I think this also marks the first post with a 'pier-shot',
which coming from a Brightonian is pretty good going
This looks like I have tiny feet and really lumpy calves -
the wonders of photography
Should've ironed that
The corselette means I can means
I can wear gorgeous tops with sheer backs
I'm a little teapot...

My lovely helper Hayley who put up with taking
many dozens of photos of me being really awkward
1950s hat: picked up at a vintage fair, can't remember which one

1930s style sunglasses: a present from my mum, they're Russian and have CCCP (so pre 1991) and a few other bits in Cyrillic written on them

Blouse: actually a peignoir I bought for £5 when I worked at To Be Worn Again that I shortened

Corselette: What Katie Did, of course

Gloves: again, from any number of vintage fairs

Shoes: Aris Allens I bought at HepCats' Holiday and had resoled - they are the most comfortable shoes

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my wardrobe, I'd love to hear what you think of my outfit and the post in the comments below.


  1. Hurrah! I especially liked the 'I should've ironed that' comment and your pretend teeny tiny feet. Here's to many more outfit posts!

  2. Haha! Its about time this happened. Do it more! I especially enjoyed the slightly sarcastic (I hope) comments to go with the pictures. That skirt is such a winner. I seems to go with everything.
