Thursday, 22 August 2013

My first outfit post!

Inspired by Jeni Yesterday, I've finally decided to do an outfit post!  I actually took these photos (or more correctly, Hayley took them) in May when we went for a little jaunt around the seafront, but I hadn't got round to doing anything with them.  So here is my first outfit post, I will try to do more - or maybe even just remember to take pictures of what I wear when I'm filming!
Outfit details below all the pictures 
It was very windy so I am actually just making sure my hat
doesn't go for an unexpected swim in the channel
I think this also marks the first post with a 'pier-shot',
which coming from a Brightonian is pretty good going
This looks like I have tiny feet and really lumpy calves -
the wonders of photography
Should've ironed that
The corselette means I can means
I can wear gorgeous tops with sheer backs
I'm a little teapot...

My lovely helper Hayley who put up with taking
many dozens of photos of me being really awkward
1950s hat: picked up at a vintage fair, can't remember which one

1930s style sunglasses: a present from my mum, they're Russian and have CCCP (so pre 1991) and a few other bits in Cyrillic written on them

Blouse: actually a peignoir I bought for £5 when I worked at To Be Worn Again that I shortened

Corselette: What Katie Did, of course

Gloves: again, from any number of vintage fairs

Shoes: Aris Allens I bought at HepCats' Holiday and had resoled - they are the most comfortable shoes

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a little peek into my wardrobe, I'd love to hear what you think of my outfit and the post in the comments below.

Friday, 16 August 2013

I've been interviewed again! This time by What Katie Did...

Another quick post today.  If you've followed my blog for a while, you may have noticed that I'm just a little keen on What Katie Did lingerie.  With work, I've filmed there a couple of times and was even lucky enough to interview founder Katie at the S/S '13 launch.  But now the tables have turned as they've interviewed me!  You can read it over on the What Katie Did blog here.

Interviewing Katie at the Portobello boutique
I feel very honoured to be featured on the What Katie Did blog and to be in such illustrious company as Bernie Dexter and Fleur De Guerre.
Thank you What Katie Did!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Harry and Edna (and me!) on the wireless

I've become fairly used to conducting interviews during my time with The Vintage News, but it came as somewhat of a shock to have not one but two interviews set up for one week - and I was the one being interviewed!  The first of which hasn't gone live yet so you'll just have to wait and see... but the second interview was with the lovely Harry and Edna on their live radio show.  We were delighted to be asked on to their Sony award nominated show to talk all things vintage, so we hopped on the M1 up to Milton Keynes. 
We arrived at this quaint little building (with a life-size multicoloured triceratops in the front garden) and got stuck in straight away.   It was really nerve-wracking being on live radio but we soon got into the swing of things.  They asked all about The Vintage News and we talked about a few of our favourite events including the Chap Olympiad and the Tweed Run.
After the live show came something more familiar, I was now the interviewer!  We chatted about Harry and Edna on the Wireless, their nightclub, Hedna's and the many other events they are involved in.  We had a great time recording the show, and it was quite nice to be on the other side of the microphone for once!
 If you didn't manage to catch the show live, you can listen again on Harry and Edna's mixcloud here
I (of course) didn't get a proper picture of my outfit or my hair however, I have managed to find a picture of me wearing the same dress and shoes just to give you an idea.  The photo is from last year when we covered Vintage Nation.
 Dress: 1980s dress that belonged to my dearest mama
Slip: 1930s slip from Brighton Vintage Fair I think, you can't really see it, but you'd see a hell of a lot more if I didn't have it on!
Belt: no idea where that came from, probably a charity shop
Shoes: £3 from a charity shop - they were my Argentine Tango shoes

Friday, 2 August 2013

In which I go raving...

I wasn't in the best shape when we went to the Rockabilly Rave as I'd just taken half a week off work, but I was looking forward to it none-the-less.  The day that we went (the Saturday) was beautifully sunny - but also incredibly windy.  The number of takes we had to do of my opening piece was ridiculous, strong wind at a coastal resort + '50s circle skirt = lots of Marilyn Monroements (fans of puns - you're welcome).

The reason we were at the Rockabilly Rave (apart from me flashing a lot of people, again, you're welcome) was by invitation of the lovely Bettina Scarlet.  Bettina had put together a wonderful fashion show, the first in the Rave's 17 year history and had asked The Vintage News to film it.  As the show featured many repro brands I've lusted after for years, we jumped at the chance.  Another compelling reason to go was the opportunity to interview the gorgeous Bernie Dexter, who is even lovelier (and tinier) than you could imagine.  I'll be posting a my interview with Bernie soon, but I've got to transcribe it first!
You know, just chilling with Bernie and Katie

Even with my limited healthiness, I still had a great time and quite enjoyed the challenge of filming the fashion show.  I was filming at the end in the catwalk, and also tasked with taking photographs of each outfit, not as tough as doing all that and live tweeting the results at the National Vintage Awards - but more on that later.  I'll leave you with a few photos of some of my favourite outfits, both on and off the catwalk.


Did you go to the Rave this year, what did you think?  Do you have a favourite outfit?